How to loss weight in easy method | Easy ways to reduce fat| How to become slim with in one week | Reduce 5 Pounds with in a week| Effective way to loss weight| Easy method to loss weight| Tips in dieting| Diet tips for losing weight


It is simply a fact, dieting is not easy for everyone. And maintain a diet for a long time, almost no one succeeds. The eating habits, gives a permanent result. As completely stop eating potato chips or stop drinking cola. But sometimes there is no reason to change the entire diet or drastic measures, but there just a few pounds off. Prefer in the shortest possible time.
Even if you stop smoking, chances are that you arrive 5 to 8 pounds because your metabolism has changed. Then drastic measures or changing eating habits is not necessary, but want as quickly as possible of those extra pounds off.
This article finds the diet that you must adhere to one week and then lose about 5 pounds. Follow the diet up to 1 week. Do you want to lose more weight, eat first time just two weeks before you follow this diet again? So the first week of this diet, you eat just two weeks and the last week of the month following this diet, you can in a month lose 10 pounds. If you do this, then one month will be enough or just eating.

Diet: weight loss 5 pounds in one week

  •         With a high cholesterol content, not to start this diet.
  •         This diet works well because there is almost no fat in them, and low in calories.
  •          Breakfast with eggs ensures that you have the rest of the day 65% more calories.
  •          By this egg diet you will burn more calories, but because the cholesterol content (temporarily) may increase this diet you may no longer than 1 week.

The core of the diet

The essence of this diet is to eat breakfast with protein. Skip breakfast never over. It would also be good after this diet, now as a good habit to keep breakfast, preferably with protein. You can also take a protein shake, as the eggs for breakfast are not as pleasant experience.  You can register as many as you like cucumber, lettuce, celery; tomatoes, etc. eat during this diet.

§                               2 eggs (boiled, scrambled or fried without butter)
§                               tea without sugar or coffee without sugar or milk
§                               2 eggs
§                               tomatoes (as many as you like)
§                               tea without sugar or coffee without sugar or milk
§                               2 eggs
§                               mixed salad
§                               Optional: Type 1 fruit 150 grams max

§                               2 eggs
§                               tea without sugar or coffee without sugar or milk
§                               2 eggs
§                               cucumber (as many as you like)
§                               Booster
§                               tea without sugar
§                               Steak
§                               cucumber & tomato
§                               salad

§                               2 eggs
§                               tea without sugar or coffee without sugar or milk
§                               2 eggs
§                               cucumber
§                               Booster
§                               tea without sugar
§                               Steak
§                               cucumber-tomato
§                               salad

§                               2 eggs
§                               tea without sugar or coffee without sugar or milk
§                               2 eggs
§                               cucumber
§                               Booster
§                               tea without sugar
§                               2 eggs
§                               cup low-fat yogurt
§                               Optional: Type 1 fruit 150 grams max
§                               tea without sugar or coffee without sugar or milk

§                               2 eggs
§                               tea without sugar or coffee without sugar or milk
§                               3 eggs
§                               cucumber
§                               Booster
§                               tea without sugar
§                               Fish (white fish)
§                               salad
§                               cucumber
§                               Optional: Type 1 fruit 150 grams max

§                               2 eggs
§                               tea without sugar or coffee without sugar or milk
§                               2 eggs
§                               cucumber
§                               Booster
§                               tea without sugar
§                               Steak
§                               cucumber & tomato

§                               2 eggs
§                               tea without sugar or coffee without sugar or milk
§                               3 eggs
§                               cucumber
§                               Booster
§                               tea without sugar
§                               Fish (white fish)
§                               mixed salad
§                               cucumber
§                               tomatoes

Type 1 fruit

  • Save all kinds of oil with a little Vinegar and Herbs
  • Endive, Gherkins (best vinegar), Asparagus
  • Chives, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower
  • Mushrooms, Chinese cabbage, Zucchini
  • Cucumber, lettuce, lettuce
  •  Paprika, Parsley
  • Rhubarb, Radicchio, Radish
  • Savoy Cabbage, Celery, Sliced Beans, Soy Sprouts, Spinach
  • Cress, Tomatoes
  •  Lettuce, Fennel
  • Watercress, Chicory, White Cabbage
  • Sauerkraut and Sorrel

Other products

Do you want to add other products that are not listed in this article?
Search online listings of calorie to the product and see how many carbohydrates and fats are inside.
This is a carbohydrate and low fat diet. If there is too many carbohydrates or fats in it, does not fit into this diet.
Any diet can be adapted to individual needs. This can affect the outcome, however.


With this diet you do not have hunger. Still, sometimes you need something extra, mostly out of habit to eat.

Booster of Maggie: a boost in principle you can as often as you like eating in between. But keep a maximum of 5 per day during this diet. (Drink Maggie soup, in position to be found in cup-a-soup)

  Spa & Orange Fruit: Pull in fresh? Or plenty of tea, water or coffee? Drink a glass of fruit Orange Spa. Keep a maximum of one and a half bottle per day. (Orange Fruit & Spa has a half liter bottle about 60 calories)


Drink as much water as possible. Plus you can drink tea without sugar and coffee without sugar or milk. Or as stated in Snacks: Spa Orange.


If you're used to sugar in the tea and coffee, use the sweetener in the diet.


Exercise always helps. You do not need to exercise? Go for a walk. In an hour walk, you can walk 5 km and you also enjoy the surroundings and the atmosphere. If you supplement this diet also exercising regularly, not only lose pounds but your body too tightly.

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