3 tips for having a website or blog more enjoyable to visit.

We all know that clothes do make the man but he does recognize, however. Similarly the presentation of your website or blog is critical to attracting and developing trust the most visitors. In this guide I will show how three simple tips will help you to quickly change the impact that has on your site your visitors.
The first advice is to be precise and clear. Even if your site contains the best information and products, if visitors do not find what they want in two clicks they go. The more your site is simple, clear and concise more visitors will learn quickly with the content of your site and will return if the information were more. More specifically, the navigation in your site must be simple and easy to find information. For example, we hesitate to put a link has not always presented to the home page and a record that tells us what page it is on your site today. This makes the difference between a professional site and a site for amateurs. 
The second board on the visual side of the site. Do not try to create a perfect site, you will not. Here I wish you to understand your eagerness to make your site according to your taste just exclude a lot of your potential visitors. Put yourself in the place of your future visitors. Some have poor vision, a slow connection or browser a bit unusual. Your ability to be able to adapt to the largest number of visitors can not forget the beauty factor will guide you to a site more enjoyable for everyone.
Finally our third council, one of the most important, we want to learn to remain original. Each of us has a unique personality and special. Feel free to let go and feel your style has made your visitors. Do not try to copy other sites entirely if yours becomes as normal as their own. You want to stand out then copy only the best. Your site must reflect a certain identity which can be present if you made a site with the system copy / paste (exact copy) you must always customize anything you use. Leave your signature anywhere in your site. 
By following just these three tips, I promise you that your site will be more enjoyable for your visitors.

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