More traffic from Facebook and Google

The online edition of the San Francisco Chronicle reports that, according to which, Facebook has surpassed Google as the main source of traffic for several major portals.
Data from Compete Inc., a company that deals with web analytics and the portals to which they refer are giants the likes of Yahoo and MSN.
In the analysis performed by Compete, that in December 2009, 13% of traffic on Yahoo, MSN and AOL was created by Facebook, while Google was around 7%.
It seems in fact that more people surf the Net mainly based on recommendations from their circle of friends. This phenomenon is certainly not a surprise, but what is surprising to have such a capacity.
These data are certainly to be taken into account by all those who for years have always moved in order to optimize pages and content for search engines, ignoring the disruptive impact of various social services.
The approach purely oriented Search Engine Optimization, in many cases, certainly proves short-sighted if not supported by robust business social media optimization.
This does not mean of course that the field of search is dead, since for most areas is still the main driver of traffic. It 'a fact though that most people spend on average 5% of their time performing network searches and 95% on other sites. Among these other sites Facebook is certainly one of the most frequented by surfers.
Google, as usual, is not looked on. The launch of services like Google Buzz and acquisitions such as that made last week by Aardvark will represent a huge company in Mountain View do not miss this large slice of the online market.

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